Boards and Committees
The Board is committed to high standards of corporate governance and meets regularly. Certain matters are reserved for the Board’s approval including the overall strategy for the company, annual budgets and business plans, major items of expenditure on projects and funding requirements from key stakeholders.
Following the Chancellor's Budget Statement issued in March 2023, which set out Government intentions and plans for activities to transfer into Local Authority control, the organisation has introduced interim governance arrangements, which discussions continue with the local authorities of the sub-region. As a result many of the previous sub-boards have temporarily paused meeting with all key decisions now being made by the Board.
To ensure robust oversight and assurances over our decision making processes, the Board has delegated responsibilities to the following sub-boards and committees, formally constituted with terms of reference: detailed discussion, evaluation and representation, the Board has delegated responsibilities to the following sub-boards and committees, formally constituted with terms of reference: Appointments and Remuneration Committee and Finance and Performance Committee.
In this section of the website, you can find meeting agendas, minutes and papers for all the Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington Board, sub-board and committee meetings including any and all paused sub-boards.
Any information which is about human resources matters which is confidential or any information which is commercially sensitive won’t be published but will be referenced and minuted in papers as appropriate.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the board meetings. Please refer to the specific Board/Committee page for details.

Business Advisory Board
Reporting to the leaders of the three local authorities, the new board meets regularly, providing year-round advice and insight, updating on emerging trends and sense checking economic strategies from a business perspective.
See the members of the board and papers here
Marketing Cheshire Board
The Marketing Cheshire board supports the Local Enterprise Partnership in delivering its ambitions for the Cheshire and Warrington economy.
Find out more about our board
Finance and Performance Committee
The Finance and Performance Committee acts on behalf of the Local Enterprise Partnership Board and monitors the financial performance and compliance.
Find out more about our board