Digital Skills Partnership
Supporting digital growth and skills
The Partnership
The Digital Skills Partnership is constructed as a group of employers and other organisations who recognise the importance of digital skills to all the businesses and residents of Cheshire and Warrington.

Aiming to improve the digital capability of all people living and working in Cheshire and Warrington, the partnership focuses on essential skills that help reduce digital exclusion, skills workers need in an increasingly digital economy and advanced skills required for specialist roles.
The Digital Skills Partnership works closely with our organisation as well as the Pledge skills programmes.
For further information about the digital skills partnership please email
Who is leading the digital skills work in Cheshire and Warrington?
The programme is led by a Board of key businesses, consisting of major brands and local employers, as well as one representative for the Local Authorities and one for the Training Providers.
The Digital Skills Partnership Board meets every two months and is fully integrated with the work of Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington. The board reports to the Employers’ Skills and Education Board and the deputy chair of this Board is also the chair of the Digital Skills Partnership Board and a member of the main Board. The Digital Skills Partnership is not a formal Board of Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington.

New technologies and training
Local Growth Fund investment supported digital skills adoption, with the purchase of specialist equipment that was needed to deliver digital and STEM-related training to as many residents as possible across Cheshire and Warrington.
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