How is the Cheshire and Warrington LEP structured?
To help us to realise our ambition for Cheshire and Warrington to become the UKs healthiest, most sustainable, inclusive and growing economy we have a range of board meets regularly and focuses on specific areas such as Transport, Growth, Digital Connectivity, Skills and strategy.
We also have a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals working across distinct areas of business from strategy, visitor economy, skills and education and business support. Working closely together with our boards and committees to grow our economy and keep Cheshire and Warrington firmly on the map.

Boards and Committees
We have various sub-boards and committees that meet regularly to discuss strategy, budgets and business plans, heling to shape the work we do to make Cheshire and Warrington the UK’s healthiest, most sustainable, inclusive and growing economy.
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Our Team
We have a great team of highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals. If you need help with something specific, find the best person to speak to here.