Other Networks

Other Networks
There are regular business networking events ran by different organisations across Cheshire and Warrington.
Below are regular networking events that take place in Cheshire and Warrington, with Covid-19 these events have now become online networking sessions.
- The Base in Warrington host regular monthly networking events.
- Sci-Tech Daresbury hosts a monthly Business Breakfast Networking meeting.
- The Mersey Dee Alliance Innovation Network hosts networking events to support the cross-border business community.
- Real5 Networking has networking groups across the sub-region, with current groups being in Chester,Knutsford, Northwich and Warrington.
- Colony Networking host membership based mixed networking, speaker and workshop events that support growing small businesses that include both open and structured networking.
- The University of Chester run the Business Growth Club networking events for businesses that are engaged in/interested in their business support programmes.