Clean Energy Projects
Sustainability and Clean Energy Projects
Domestic Retrofit: the challenges and opportunities in Cheshire and Warrington
ECW, working with the Cheshire and Warrington Local Authorities and funded by the North West Net Zero Hub, commissioned the report “Domestic Retrofit: the challenges and opportunities in Cheshire and Warrington” which was produced by Parity Projects in late Spring 2024. The report explores the scope of the housing decarbonisation challenge, including potential costs and pathways towards whole housing stock retrofit in Cheshire and Warrington and what supply chain and skills interventions may be required and sets out a series of recommendations for further action.
*Note that all references within this report to Cheshire and Warrington LEP now refer to it's successor organisation Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington.
Net Zero North West Industrial Cluster Plan
The Net Zero North West (NZNW) Cluster Plan will create a deliverable investment, technology and infrastructure blueprint for the North West’s net zero transition and low carbon recovery post-COVID-19. It will recommend the technologies, infrastructure changes and investment necessary to transition the North West, working with North East Wales, to net zero carbon by 2040. We are working with a consortium of partners and consultants to deliver the final report and the investment case.
The Net Zero North West Investment Case has been published. This Draft Outline Business Case was commissioned to develop the strategy for investment in decarbonisation as part of the industrial cluster mission.
Invest Net Zero Cheshire
Invest Net Zero Cheshire has developed a roadmap to net zero that will drive inward investment into the low carbon energy projects already identified or underway, across renewables, hydrogen, carbon capture, energy storage, and smart grids.
Natural Capital Audit and Investment Plan
Natural capital is critical in building our resilience to climate change and as part of long-term sustainable growth. As part of our Quality of Place Strategy, and the Strategic Economic Plan, the need was identified for a Natural Capital Audit and Investment Plan, and we worked with several partners to commission the work in 2020, with a completion date in 2021.
The work is providing a detailed baseline for the provision of blue and green infrastructure and is developing initial proposals for an investment pipeline of projects that could, amongst other things, reduce the risk of flooding, increase the amount of carbon stored in the natural environment and improve air quality.
Case studies include sustainable agricultural production, carbon sequestration and biodiversity enhancement including examining the use of peatland restoration, water quality and flow improvements (and biodiversity enhancement). The work is identifying locations where multiple strategic themes overlap with the potential to deliver multiple benefits at the same time.
Natural Capital Audit and Investment Plan
NCAIP intervention and investment opportunities report
NCAIP natural capital audit and policy analysis report
North West Industrial Cluster Delivery Plan
Following the above work to define and describe the North West Industrial Cluster, and the substantial economic benefits associated with its decarbonisation, further work was commissioned to develop a North West Industrial Cluster Delivery Plan.
The first report produced in this commission by Opergy highlighted the requirements for successful cluster delivery, the case for an intervention, and highlighted the shared industry view that an intervention would facilitate cluster delivery and increase the pace of change.

North West Industrial Decarbonisation Cluster Plan
Download the Stage 1 interim report hereThe second Opergy report explores options for an intervention, and highlights the benefits of a new industrial body to aid cluster delivery. Evaluation of possible business models results in a recommendation for a public-private partnership model, and the report explores strategic leadership, governance, and stakeholder engagement.

Future Delivery of the North West Net Zero Cluster Plan
Download the Stage 2 report hereFollowing publication of this report, a tender was issued to appoint a small team who would bring forward these recommendations on behalf of public and private partners. Caielle ltd. and Opergy were successful in their bid for this invitation to tender and appointed to undertake this consultancy work in February 2024.