Helena Anderson
Founder and COO, Ikigai Capital
Helena founded Ikigai, a Net Zero investment consultancy, accelerator and developer, in December 2017 after two years at the UK Department for International Trade, where she was head of energy capital investment.
At the Department for International Trade, she was responsible for shaping Government policy-aligned, private sector led, energy and integrated energy, transport and regeneration projects, businesses and technologies such that they became bankable and attracting international investment into those opportunities, working ona X-Government and local authority basis. Prior to joining Government, Helena had 10 years’ experience as a project finance lawyer at Herbert Smith Freehills, advising on renewables, oil & gas, telecoms and infrastructure in EMEA. She was recognised byLegal 5002016 as a leading lawyer in renewable energy projects and as an industry expert in managing environmental and social risk lending under the Equator Principles.