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Reliable Manufacturing: Peer Networks Case Study

Case Study Growth Hub Peer Networks 21/06/2021

Andrew Fraser shares his peer networks experience

Andrew Fraser, Managing Director at Warrington reliability-based change management consultancy Reliable Manufacturing.

Last year Andrew attended the Peer Networks programme, a national, fully funded programme for SME owners and leaders who want to grow and develop their organisations. Delivered locally by Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub, we create diverse groups of individuals to collaboratively work through common business issues.

Andrew shares his experience of taking part in the Peer Networks programme:

"This is the second time I have participated in a peer-to-peer support type programme with 10 years between each occasion. The best tribute I can give is that each programme led me to take specific action to develop my business in key areas of need. The accountability process of the programme helped to ensure that I found the time to work on strategic issues that I knew I should be addressing, but in reality were being pushed out by less important day to day issues.

One of the huge benefits in sharing with other small business owners I found is hearing their views and experience of engaging with third parties to support their business. In the recent programme I was able to get several excellent recommendations of third parties to help with marketing support as I transition my business to online delivery.

The key to unlocking value from the programme is to “ring fence” the time and make participation in it one of your top priorities. It can be a precious opportunity to discover or work on strategic issues which can be transformative your business."

To find out more about the 2021 Peer Networks programme click here

To find out more about Reliable Manufacturing click here