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Demystifying Innovation Grant Funding

In-depth look at innovation grant funding

The Cheshire & Warrington Access to Finance Programme has partnered with leading Cheshire innovation focused management consultancy Inventya to host an informative and engaging seminar exploring the background, benefits and opportunities that innovation funding can deliver to your business.

Demystifying Innovation Grant Funding

Inventya works with companies to accelerate growth through innovation, helping them to bring products and services to market, through funding and finance to bespoke innovation support services and more.

Inventya’s bid writing team combines experience across industries to provide industry-leading bid writing and grant funding support. The team has experience in writing bids for Innovate UK, SBRI, NIHR, H2020, DASA and many other calls.

Target audience

Companies and start-ups who have a game-changing, innovative, and disruptive idea that will lead to new products, processes or services that require funding to overcome key risks and challenges.

What you will learn

What a grant is, where to find them, and how to win them.

What support can you get

Attendees to the seminar will also have the opportunity to book one of a limited number of 1-2-1 sessions with experts from Invetya to discuss in detail their own innovation funding and also potentially access a small cash grant towards consultancy costs for preparing a detailed Innovation funding application.


Jo Derbyshire leads the grant funding activity for Inventya, and together with her team has raised over £50M in funding for innovative projects.

Mark Holmes has broad experience in commercial R&D across many industries. He is able to help clients in a range of sectors from healthcare, construction, industrial, electronics, consumer goods and transport, to access funding for R&D.

Phil Crosland has over 20 years’ of R&D and innovation grants experience and supports the team from sales through to running successful funded projects in his role as Head of Proposal Writing.

Sam Testro is responsible for managing clients and researching, writing, and preparing all the necessary materials required for preparing grant applications.

Book your place here